Thursday, 7 April 2011

The Pitman Dictionary (New Era Edition)

As a child who asked lots of questions, whenever asking the meaning of a word, I was always told to "Look it up in the dictionary." I hated this because the dictionary in question is my Mother's 'Pitman Dictionary of English and Shorthand (New Era Edition)', which she has signed 1979 but was actually published in 1974. Each definition would raise more questions than it would answer. I realise now that it's due to the evolution of the English language and social speech in our culture. Each definition is almost too in depth and gives, what seems, erroneous examples that imply things that are not necessarily true to the definition, yet they are written in a charming and innocent way which I now love.

I think I will take a couple of words that sum up how I felt on each day and then look them up in this dictionary. The definition, full of charm, usually inspires me to create an image illustrating this in a similar way to the 'Janfamily - Plans for other days' book.

I'm doing this because I wanted to do something more with the information I had gathered as a diary. I decided that the best thing to do, would be to learn from it. Therefore, each photo from the definition should in some way have a moral or thoughtful aspect to it.

DEF: friend, n., one attached to another by affection.

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