Monday, 9 May 2011


Another 5 hours of animating last night. Spent the first half hour just trying to get the lighting the same as the last shot I took the night before. The lighting was in exactly the same places, the camera on all the same settings, and yet it was much more yellow. I tried adjusting the lighting, turning some off, moving some closer or further away... but it was never quite the same. I wonder if it could have been because the last shot I took last night, was when the lamps had been on for 3 hours or so... and I was trying to take the next one having just turned them on. Maybe they become brighter over time. I ended up taking the photos on a different setting on the camera, but tonight I will try and turn the lights on for a while before I begin animating. However, I feel I should keep an eye on them, because they get so hot.

I'm going to try to take up the sides of the blinds in my room, to see if I can get the lighting the same as at night. If I can, then I can get a lot more animating done during the day aswell, to save me actually turning nocturnal.

Also planned 4 new dictionary definition photos. But of course, I can only take these once I have access to my camera again after animating.

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